Monday, July 27, 2020

Teams Focusing Status


I love the new "Focusing" mode in Teams; this came by surprise as the feature was lit up in August 2019 but simply put your status to "Do Not Disturb". I haven't seen an announcement about this, but apparently, there is now a new specific status called "Focusing" which is slightly different from the traditional "Do Not Disturb" status.

Setting this up is currently restricted to using MyAnalytics to subscribe to a "Focus" plan (which there is only one right now). As you may already know, this wouldn't go down well with me; I needed to know how this actually works, and try and have my own plan.

Creating a new meeting invite with the exact same options as the one created by MyAnalytics didn't do the job, so I dived into the underlying meta-data of the meeting invite; and figured out the three pieces of information that Teams looks for to determine if this meeting item is a "Focusing" entry.

  • Most importantly, this meeting needs to only have one person "YOU"
  • The internal flag "IsDoNotDisturbTime" has to be set to true
  • The internal flag "IsBookedFreeBlocks" has to be set to true
To help anyone who wants to set their own schedule, away from MyAnalytics, I have written a little VBA snippet that can be used in outlook after selecting a "focus" meeting that you have created yourself.

v.0.0.2 - 2022.02.28 - ToggleFocusing.vba