Monday, July 27, 2020

Teams Focusing Status


I love the new "Focusing" mode in Teams; this came by surprise as the feature was lit up in August 2019 but simply put your status to "Do Not Disturb". I haven't seen an announcement about this, but apparently, there is now a new specific status called "Focusing" which is slightly different from the traditional "Do Not Disturb" status.

Setting this up is currently restricted to using MyAnalytics to subscribe to a "Focus" plan (which there is only one right now). As you may already know, this wouldn't go down well with me; I needed to know how this actually works, and try and have my own plan.

Creating a new meeting invite with the exact same options as the one created by MyAnalytics didn't do the job, so I dived into the underlying meta-data of the meeting invite; and figured out the three pieces of information that Teams looks for to determine if this meeting item is a "Focusing" entry.

  • Most importantly, this meeting needs to only have one person "YOU"
  • The internal flag "IsDoNotDisturbTime" has to be set to true
  • The internal flag "IsBookedFreeBlocks" has to be set to true
To help anyone who wants to set their own schedule, away from MyAnalytics, I have written a little VBA snippet that can be used in outlook after selecting a "focus" meeting that you have created yourself.

v.0.0.2 - 2022.02.28 - ToggleFocusing.vba

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Complex IVR Workflow

I recently encountered a use case, where I had to push the Skype for Business RGS Workflows to the limit. While I know there are "paid" software out there that can simplify the task. I thought I would write a script that can do the same thing (with some knowledge of P$).

The script is divided into three sections.

  1. The first section of this script is where you can make changes to put the Workflow parameters and customise the script for your environment.
  2. The second section is where the fun is; you will need to edit this based on the IVR questions and responses; edit this as you see fit; I have tried to include as much as possible in there.
  3. DO NOT EDIT the third section; as this retrieves the Workflow (or creates it); and updates it with the information from the first two sections.
I am looking for feedback; on this script; for now, it will do the job; but do people want to enter the information via a CSV ? JSON ? especially the IVR questions and responses section.

v.0.1 - 2020.05.01 - Update-CsIvrWorkflow.ps1