Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Moving from On-Premises to Skype for Business Online

This is a gotcha which took me two days to figure out. I was moving a customer from a broken Skype for Business on-premises to O365 Skype for Business Online.

Why go through the pain of hybrid, if the users never used the system in the first place. What I found is there is a lack of documentation on what are the steps to move in a big-bang scenario. So here goes....

  1. Remove all users from your on-prem deployment
  2. Make sure the users are not licensed for Skype for Business Online yet (if they are, remove it)
  3. Make sure that "ALL" msRTCSIP-* attributes are null, and have propagated to all your DCs
  4. Do another directory sync to O365 using your AADConnect server
  5. Assign License on O365
  6. Test User Connectivity
What got me here was step "3" .. All attributes were Null except for msRTCSIP-DeploymentLocator which was set to "SRV:" ... in a normal deployment this would be good because it means automatically detect the server. In O365 world, this means the user is On-Prem and don't enable them for Skype for Busienss.

Powershell Command to remove it..

Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=Users,DC=contoso,DC=local" -Filter * |Set-ADUser -Clear "msRTCSIP-DeploymentLocator"